Tinder Love

A new relationship starts on Tinder every 3 seconds around the globe

Explore some Tinder success stories

Samantha & John

When we met we were exactly 100 miles away. His bio was simply "Not to brag, but I have a bedframe," and I just knew our humor clicked. It was 2020 and I think a lot of people were lonely and online looking to connect in the only way we were being told was safe. I sent him a little message about his bio (because of course he had already liked my profile) and sort of forgot about it. Later I saw that I had misspelled like every word in my message and wrote back just to correct my grammar haha, and that had him hook, line, and sinker. He was in Evansville, IN. We started off just talking for hours every day. I never believed those when you know you know stories, but it literally was just that. I knew when I knew and he did too. He rented an AirBnB because I wasn't letting a stranger stay in my house haha. Now he lives here and we are getting married this October, years into dating!

Danielle & Matthew

In August of 2020 I was mindlessly scrolling and ended up swiping right on my future husband and have a screen recording of the moment we matched! He looked like such a cutie in his pictures, plus he’s a chef and I’m a huge foodie. Matthew and I hit it off immediately, moving things from Tinder to text, where we talked constantly for less than a week before we hung out in person. After that first date we were inseparable. After 4 or 5 magical dates together, he told me he wanted me to be his girlfriend. September 15, 2020 he took me to my favorite lakeside hideout in my hometown to watch the sun rise, and he made things official. A few months later in December of 2020, we decided to move to Chicago together to start a new adventure. In May of 2021 we moved and have been here ever since. Each day we have fallen more in love, and knew we were soulmates early on. On February 29th, 2024, Matthew proposed to me and I said yes! We decided that since we are so in love, and far from home, we wanted to elope—and did on March 24th, 2024. I never thought I’d find a husband on a dating app but Tinder really proved me wrong.

Kate & Lain

My partner and I had known each other since we were in 4th grade through mutual friends. I had always had a small distant crush on them but never thought anything of it, until we matched on tinder. We talked for two weeks on tinder and switched to text and we eventually met for a first date at the San Francisco MOMA. We both shared a love of art museums and movies, one of the main talking points when we first connected. After a year a a half, my partner, Lain proposed to me at one of the windmills in Golden Gate Park. A few weeks later I proposed at a small park near where we both live. Fast forward to September 2023, and we have been very happily married for 5 months.

Kristen & Kelsey

We met on tinder in January 2018 I believe and we talked for about a month on tinder before meeting in February I remember seeing his cosplay pictures on his profile and was super into it lol. We went on a spectacular date with coffee, then dinner, then drinks (shutting down the bar) and then having breakfast at Ihop after the bar! We were pretty inseparable after that point and made it "Facebook Official" in March. We have been on so many amazing adventures; comic cons with matching cosplays, playing dnd, going to Ren faires, buying our first house together in October 2021, getting engaged at the Ren faire in front of the Hobbit door in June 2022, and will be married in June 2024 at a Castle in a Ren faire nerdy DND themed wedding💖😋 Thank you tinder for connecting me to my person!

Sarah & Anthony

Anthony and I both swiped right on Tinder on August 16th, 2022. Our first date was on September 1st, 2022 at Brookfield Zoo and we spent 9 hours together. Our second date was 2 days later, and we spent all day hanging out and getting to know each other better. We fell in love very fast since we both did major self work before we decided to be on a dating app to look for a relationship. Before we met each other -Anthony was on tinder for longer than I was- I was the type to download it and delete it after not putting much effort into swiping. I was a serial dater and he was a long term relationship type of guy. but after putting work into our profiles and swiping -we matched pretty quickly . After I recently downloaded it- swiped right on 2 people- he was the second person I swipped right on- and once we met we hit it off and now we are married! (3/20/24)

Savanna & Conner

We met on Tinder in late January 2023, had our first date on Valentine’s Day (cheesy we know) and recently got engaged in New York, and are planning our forever! We couldn’t help but reach out and extend our thank you’s and volunteer to be another success story for yall to use!!

Jax & Haley

Thank you Tinder for helping me find my girlfriend of 6 years & fiancé of 2 years! We are getting married in June and we couldn’t be happier! We met back in Oct 2017 after talking on Tinder for almost a week. She’d just downloaded the app and I’d been on for on & off for a few years. We kissed that first date & it felt like fireworks! We were hooked on each other right away. We both realized very quickly how well we worked together & moved in together in 2020. I can’t wait to marry the love of my life & we have you guys to thank! Keep doing what you do! Love is out there!

Lacey & Joshua

I have Tinder to thank for meeting the love of my life. Back at the end 2020, with the world starting to open back up a bit from COVID, I was swiping through Tinder mindlessly with no real expectations. I matched with a cute guy who had a couple of goofy pictures. Never shy when it comes to guys I like, I was the one to message first, and we quickly scheduled a date at restaurant. It went well, to say the least. In fact, it went so well that on the way home, Lacey called her mom and gushed about the date, deciding right then that this guy was destined to be her boyfriend someday. Little did she know, he wouldn’t stop at that, but also become her husband.Four years later we have moved in together, got engaged in Spain, and will be getting married on May 4, 2024 in Ephrata, PA. While we lived about 30 minutes from each other, I can confidently say that I don't think we would have crossed paths otherwise, and I would have missed out on my husband if not for Tinder.

Samantha & Michael

When Samantha met Michael, she was not looking for my forever person. She had just started her business and career as a private investigator and had a lot going on. “I had officially entered my, yes I’m single, but now isn’t a good time era. So all my bio said was: ‘Sarcastic. Feminist. Asshole.’ I wanted everyone who saw my profile to know exactly what they were getting themselves into with me 😂 To my surprise, when I officially decided I wasn’t going to look anymore, that was when the universe brought me Michael 💕Since our first date, I have been unapologetically and authentically myself, with an, if he can’t handle me, then he doesn’t deserve me attitude. It has been a lot of work, and even more shadow work, for both of us. But being 100% myself and encouraging my partner to be his, is the most magical thing I’ve ever experienced. ✨Thank you Tinder”

Tache & Ben

My husband and I met on tinder. Before matching, we both thought that it was time to give up on love. I first saw his profile and wasn’t sure if he was real so I exited the app hoping I’d run into his account again. When I saw his account again, I knew he was real because he put thought into his bio. When we matched, I messaged him first. From the first words, it was love at first message. We both knew what we wanted and could hold a conversation. We also got deep really fast. My husband and I instantly clicked and kept each other up all night. I couldn’t wait until our first date so I decided to meet him sooner. We stayed up and talked all night and it was as if we had known each other our whole lives. Three months into dating, my husband asked me to marry him and we got married that next month. Fast forward and we are happily married and he’s supporting me while on deployment for the military. We always talk about getting sponsored by Tinder one day!

Zayra & Matt

Matthew and I matched on Tinder Fall of 2021 and I had zero hesitation when I swiped on his profile. Matt had the most beautiful eyes and I was immediately drawn to them. We were both recently out of relationships and weren't exactly looking to get into another one so soon. After a rough break-up I was scared to give love another try but I hadn't lost hope. Matt and I matched after a few swipes and we chatted for a couple of days. We exchanged contact information and soon found out we had so much in common. Matt asked me on a date a couple of weeks later and we had a fantastic time. At that time Matt was working out of state but came home to Plano for a couple of weeks. It was almost like he was there just to find me. I didn't have high hopes due to the long distance we would have for 6+ months. Shortly after Matt left to Colorado our connection kept getting stronger and overtime we agreed to give it a shot. Now 3 years later we have a one year old boy named Luka and we are getting married this December! Matt and I lived 2 streets away from each other but never ran into one another until we matched on Tinder. I am so thankful this app was created because it helped me find my way to Matthew. It is for sure a match made in heaven! Many people say we are the male/female version of one another.

Luana & Gabriel

January 2020. One of us had a sunstroke. The other didn’t believe they would ever find love again. And then, by chance, a relationship started. It all began because of an app, which brought together a guy from Minas Gerais that was living in São Paulo’s ZL and a girl from Mairiporã who was taking a class in São Paulo once a week. We started to date in April of that same year, got engaged in 2022, and walked down the aisle in 2023. Now we understand that we were lucky to find a tailor-made love, with a story of more than a thousand pages, full of joyful moments, big changes, trips, hardships, and many other pages just waiting to be filled.

Will & Monte

We matched on Tinder in 2020, & met up nearly three weeks later, after Monte got a psychic reading: telling him love was coming his way. The psychic was right! As two proud First Nations men (Maori & Torres Strait Islander) from Australia & New Zealand, we share similar values of tradition & culture. We’re also both musicians, & not afraid to burst into song at any moment. I (Monte) even wrote a song for Will (listen here).

We returned to the psychic in 2023, & she predicted we were going to get married! Not long after, we saw the Big Tinder Wedding campaign in Australia & applied. We were chosen by Tinder as one of two lucky couples, & got married on Sydney Harbour, in February 2024. Thanks Tinder!

Elena & Guilia

"No bad bitches please, I'm a pure Italian soul" was Giulia's description on her Tinder profile. Since she was wearing an orange top in almost every photo. I took this as an opportunity to write to her: "Hi, orange seems to be your favourite colour – looks good on you!" It turns out, it was just a coincidence that she was wearing a lot of orange.

After a week of chatting, we arranged to go for a walk, despite the pandemic. After 3 weeks of dating, I asked her about a relationship. We survived 2 lockdowns together in a small apartment, adopted a cat and got engaged in Formentera. She is my dream woman. We always wonder if fate would have brought us together without Tinder. We'll probably never know.

Manon & Jonathan

We started talking on the app in early October 2020. Honestly, I wasn’t looking for anything serious at first. But his humour and taste in music totally charmed me! He’s super chill, which really helps me day-to-day.

After 2 weeks of chatting, we decided to meet on Sunday 11 October 2020, at a little bar halfway between our cities. We spent 8 hours talking about everything and nothing.

The following Wednesday, just 3 days later, we were too impatient and went out to dinner together. And that’s when the magic happened.

By early November 2020, we had moved in together, travelled, laughed, had a fake wedding in Vegas, and never left each other’s side. Almost 4 years later, here we are with 3 cats, a house, and are planning our wedding ceremony to take place between two metal concerts, which is totally our favourite type of music!

Aashna & Prateek

I had just landed in Pune from Hong Kong, and Prateek was preparing for a gig there. I decided to turn on Tinder and swipe. Saw him there… this really cute guy with a guitar. His bio said he was a singer.

We both matched around midnight and we were chatting till 6am!

In a week of talking, he asked me out. He picked me up and we went to a lovely restaurant and for a long drive.

I knew I was on to something special.

We dated 5 years, and then he proposed, on a beautiful yacht, at sunset!

Our match turned into dates which turned into conversations and then us getting married, in the most beautiful wedding filled with love.

I love how our relationship blossomed over the years, all with one swipe, 8 years back.

Amanda & Miguel

Amanda first joined Tinder on 4 January 2021. That very same day, she matched with Miguel, and they’ve been together ever since 🩵

They met during COVID, when there were still many restrictions in place, so if it hadn’t been for Tinder, their paths would have never crossed.

What started with 3 first dates wearing face masks, continued with moving in together and adopting a kitten. And now, they are about to get married 💍

Huy & Ân

Me and my husband met through Tinder. Let me tell you a real funny story about our matching experience. At first, I was impressed with his Tinder profile because he had a very cute selfie photo with his dog. And I just wanted to meet that dog in our first date. We then hit it off and have been in a relationship for 5.5 years. We just got married a year plus ago. What I love the the most about Tinder is you can literally meet people who you might never meet in real life and it opens up lots of possibilities.

Quang & Billy

Before I met my boyfriend on Tinder, I have always seeked a casual fling on purpose. I never thought about being able to have a serious relationship on a dating app like Tinder. But then I matched with him and we fell in love naturally. We have been together for 2.5 years. Now I strongly believe it's not true to say we can never find true love on a dating app. Also what I love about Tinder is we can find lovers, friends, short term flings or whatever type of relationships we want.

SonHa & DungAnh

Me and my husband met through Tinder. We actually got matched twice before officially hitting it off. The first time, we matched but felt no chemistry. Then we unmatched. We then saw each other again on Tinder 5 years ago and we gave it another try. This time the conversation just went amazing so we fell in love. After being in a relationship for 3 years, he proposed to me. No we're husband and wife! What I love about Tinder is you will always walk away with new experiences. If it's not love or a friendship, it can simply be some romantic moments that you will treasure.

Tonkaow & Shunya

Our love story started when I was afraid of love, seeking a gaming companion to ease my solitude and perhaps practice Japanese. Registering Tinder Gold to seek a Japanese friend, I discovered a profile of a guy seeking a gaming partner like me. Without much thought, we connected, grew closer, and shared our experiences. Fearful of repeating past love's pain with a Japanese partner, I intended to keep our bond platonic. However, his presence reassured me it was safe to be vulnerable, prompting me to confirm my emotions. Spontaneously, I booked a flight to Japan to meet him. Little did we know our emotions would sync, leading us to this enduring connection

Mar del Volcán & Fer de la Fuente

Fer and I met on Tinder in 2018. I traveled to Monterrey, México, where Fer lived, to take an admission exam for the university, and decided to download Tinder because I didn't know anyone there. Giving herself a new opportunity, Fer had also downloaded the app and we were one of the first people we matched with, immediately feeling a unique connection and talking for weeks until our first date. Today, six years later, we live together with our cats Yuca and Xaca. We have accompanied each other during our processes of change, evolution, transitions, self-discovery, and we have a stronger relationship than ever.

About the study

Tinder, the preferred dating app for singles under 30, completed a study highlighting dating app relationship behaviors in 2023. This survey identified respondents who entered into a relationship through Tinder in the past year.

About the Survey

Based on an online Wave Study in 2023 funded by and commissioned on behalf of Match Group, with survey conducted by market research company Ipsos among a demographically representative sample of 18+ adults in accordance with the Market Research Society's code of conduct. Relationships in the study are defined as relationships lasting >3 months or among those still in a relationship.